

Black Man's Dairy
I wonder how they now feel;
those who fought for our freedom,
those who painted part of our flag red,
and those who sang "free men we stand"

are we really Proud and free?
our economy as borrowed as my sister's hair,
bleached skins yet native minds,
the only thing still African about us is our ignorance,

I wish there was a lighting cream
to brighten our minds too,
aliens to our roots how naive,
everything about us is foreign,

our forest a homes of mukula;
our furniture imports from china,
our lands conceives minerals;
our machinery products of Europe,

fertile lands and abundant water,
yet our granaries are always empty,
Israel a desert country leaders in agriculture,
laziness the only crop we cultivate

I wonder how long it took;
for Japen to start making cars,
for India to start making medicine
or for china to be leading exporters,

modern education built schools,
intelligence concealed in text books,
we don't learn how to think we memorize their thoughts,
is school a box we can't think outside of?

yes they said education is the key,
if they told us corruption was the lock,
we wouldn't have chased degrees but connections,
only the latter opens more significant doors,

are we any better than them?
those who exchange copper with a prayer,
we still wait to inherited riches in heaven,
while they build heavens on earth,

I wonder how they feel:
the pan Africans,
them who believed we were capable,
sorry we really can't govern ourselves to success.
© glayvin