

The Storm Secret
They say when things go wrong that they are in the storm of life.

They only talk about or remember, the raging, the roaring, and in some cases.. the defeat..

Why? Why is it that we don't proclaim the victories of the aftermath of a storm or even the little wins during the whirlwind..

Even when we do claim victory over the storm, we try so hard to forget it's existence.

Why? Perhaps human nature, Perhaps circumstance, Perhaps that even in victory we feel defeat..

That's it...even in victory we feel defeat.

What if I told you, "It doesn't have to be this way?..That we don't have to default to this?"

Then what? We admit we have won? We admit when we have found our light in the storm?

Hmm...maybe we will be happier, maybe we will be excited for the rain. Because with rain comes new storms.

And new storms means new victories,
And maybe the storm you gave victory over you was not defeat, but perhaps just the path to brighter light and more victories.

Now be careful who you tell our storm secret to, you find the overwhelming happness it brings...
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