

Red,Black and Blue my permanent colors
Pregnant with anxiety and worried
postpartum depression,
Infected with grieve and sorrow
Only have enough faith of a mustard seed
Battlefields daily in my mind
Fighting everyday to find strength to live
This is me
Full of mistakes
Kiss the devil,
he bit off my tongue
First one to yell I'll never let a man abuse me,
the first one to make an excuse for him
Eyes got use to seeing black
covering my war scar with permanent ink.
Dance with darkness,
Gun to my head,
Wish I had the guts to actually drown
Red poison in my veins kept me sane
made me forget whats my name
lightning struck me three times
Bloodsucker allergic to light
but found out only Jesus saves
This is me
No apologize
London bridge ,
constantly collapsing
Thinking about the 2 losses that didn't have a chance
know God going to hate me
for making this decision.
2nd loss ,
God giveth and God taketh away
An eye for a eye
Living with guilt
What would my life be if they both got to live
This is me
My kids and husband awaken me
Family tree forsaken me
My mother never told me she loved me
My father never hugged me
My sisters and brothers remind me,
I'm black sheep
getting attacked by angry wolves
Caterpillar skin is killing me
Born in a grave,
condemned and danced on
Need a brain freeze,
thoughts and my past steady beating me
Want everyone to leave me alone.
Crying roses,
my tears became frozen
Feel comfortable crawling than walking
Letting my truth breathe
This is me
Flaws and all
A black butterfli thats too scared to fly
But I can't apologize,
because this is me
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photo from Pinterest