

Goodbye Alcohol
Last night I thought about you
Someone I used to know
You were like a best friend
Always there when I needed you
When I needed to cry
You were my shoulder, I'd run to
But then there were times
Where you were the cause of my tears
You would pick me up and comfort me
Make me feel such a sense of security,
and then you would drop me
Sit and laugh at me while I'd become someone
I didn't know nor want to be
We had the best of times, you see
Oh how I miss and yearn for the taste
how I wish you'd be by my side once more
While loving you was saving me
It was destroying me you adored
I can't love you and love
those around me at the same time
Because with every drop of you
I'd wish and crave for more
Til stopping seemed impossible at times
You would beg me to keep going
And I would listen
I would take you in until my body was floating
And then I'd drift away
Away from reality and the anxiety
far from the pain that filled my mind
with insecurity and fear
Nobody truly understands
how you took away years
I had to stop you before you
ruined me
because though you were my friend,
You would soon become my enemy.
I miss you but this is farewell
to every bottle and every can,
to every glass of calm then rage
and every cup of who knows what's next
I miss you. But this is what's best.
Goodbye for now but maybe not forever,
Because one day I'lll run into you
and know how to only have a few.
But as of now our story ends
I love you but we can't be friends.
Goodbye Alcohol..

© Writer_At_Heart