

Narcissistic One
Who wants to argue? Surely not me!
But you seem to thrive on it,
Like the air that you breathe.
Nothing I do is good enough, No.
Nothing is ever good eneough for you.
You're in denial, You're toxic
Eroding all that you touch
Nothing survives once clasped in your clutch.
Its somehow all, all of my fault
There's no difference between
The kettle and the pot
Casting blame, Soaked in shame
And everything inbetween
You seem to think you're spotless
With no blemish, no streaks
Your words peirce like poison arrows
With every word you speak
You give no thought to the wounds
The wounds you let bleed
A heart so broken, once so full of love
Lies shattered in pieces, Isn't that enough?
No, not for you, I'm the narcissistic one
The one who thinks of himself
not you or the kids for whom everything
I've always done.

© Brian C. Jobe