

Whispers of Perception: Embracing the Unknown
In a land where questions roam free,
Someone asked a query that felt too personal to be.
A first impression, a glimpse in time,
Yet the answer may not fit like a perfect rhyme.

Oh, the mysteries of the human mind,
Where perceptions and truths intertwine.
To judge so quickly, to assume and guess,
May lead us down a path of distress.

Let us embrace the unknown, the unseen,
For in that space, true understanding gleams.
Let's set aside judgments, let's open our hearts,
And embrace each other, though worlds apart.

So let's cherish the questions, the doubts, the fears,
For in exploring them, wisdom appears.
Let's journey together, irrational and true,
And discover the magic in me and in you.
© Boris Chianimbong