

If I Were To Write You Down
If I were to write you down by words, Smoothly.
If I were to write you down by actions, Witty.
If I were to write u down by performance, Thespian.
If I were to write you down by thoughts, Cognitive.

If I were to write you down by decisions, Conscious.
If I were to write you down by act, Caring.
If I were to write you down by character, Nobel.
If I were to write you down by zeal, passionate

If I were to write you down by looks, Sublime.
If I were to write you down by morals, Decent.
If I were to write you down by relations, Friendly.
If I were to write you down by attitudes, TOUGH.

It beats my imagination how you excel,
Sharing joy with pains, mixing laughter and tears,
Combining success and struggles together.
If I were to write all these down,

I would write by dawn when its cool
For the birds to sing meticulously 🐦 accompanying walkers 🚶 home
And luring every eyes and soul to sleep.

© Dum Simon Delox