

Legends Of Coral
Deep in the ocean, where the light fades,
There are creatures of myth, with tales to be told.
Of mermaids and sirens, with songs that bewitch,
And lure sailors to danger, with wiles of old.
Her hair is of seaweed, her eyes are of pearls,
Her voice is like music, that echoes through whirls.
She sings of the ocean, of depths dark and deep,
Of creatures unknown, that in shadows do creep.
She sings of the currents, the waves, and the tides,
Of storms and calm seas, where the sailors abide.
Her voice is enchanting, with powers unknown,
That lure men to danger, like sirens of old
The mermaid's domain is a world of its own,
A kingdom of wonder, where creatures have flown.
There are seahorses, and fish of all kinds,
Octopuses, starfish, and other designs.
The mermaid is graceful, her movements are smooth,
She glides through the water, like liquid and soothe.
She's curious and kind, but can be mischievous too,
A trickster of sorts, but her heart is pure, true.
The mermaid's playful antics sometimes go wrong,
She might tease a sailor, and make him feel drawn.
He follows her song, into the depths of the sea,
But she'll always save him, with magic, you see.
The mermaid has found love, in a human she meets,
A sailor who understands, and accepts her unique.
Their love is forbidden, it's hard to explain,
But together they find joy, beyond the pain.
© Inspiring Ikram