

narcissistic boyfriend

Narcissistic boyfriend

Please don’t call the cops
Don’t beat him up
Pretty please
He’s a good guy
He wouldn’t do any harm
I mean he did bad things
But leave him
Put the phone down…

Yet he’s still hurtin you
Look at your scars
You’re bleedin
He’s goin to murder you
You told me not to call him
Snatch my cell away
Tellin me not to do the right thing

Just keep it on the down low
My tears run so fast
Freakin me out
Gaslightin me if I open my mouth
You wouldn’t be my friend…

You’re protestin your narcissist boyfriend
Who gives you purple bruises…you wear them
Underneath all that makeup, underneath all those
Heavy clothes proudly….

Honey this is not love
When will you get it?
He smacks you slaps you
Punches you, even rapes you…
I bet he would never hit a man
People say stay out of it…
It’s alarmin…
It’s a red flag….
He will murder her if she still stays…

I guess she wants to die…
She doesn’t love herself…
Her friends ain’t no help
Not even her family….

Her family should give him
A major beatdown where he could
Be in a casket or In the hospital paralyzed…
Vulnerable women who are in toxic relationships
Should be saved…that goes for vulnerable men, too

Nobody deserves to be in a dangerous situation
Where someone really hates you a lot to the point
They will kill you…there should be a class where
People should learn how to love yourself before
You give your heart away to someone…a class about
What kind of relationship do you want…

Many times you see these people
Who throw themselves at a person who doesn’t give
A fuck about them….I’ve witnessed unrequited love
Everywhere….redamancy is truly rare….
I’m like why can’t you find a partner who actually loves
You, too….

You mean to tell me not to dial 911
When you’re in danger
When your babies are in danger
You say stop judgin me
I love him

I said no he doesn’t
Real men don’t hit women they love….
You don’t know your worth…and I said this
From the heart…look at your situation
Look at the abuse
You ignore me
You said I can change him….

You said look he’s not beatin me up now
Behind closed doors he’s knockin you down
I saw his fake smile, soulless eyes with a

you got a lot of nerve to say don’t call the police …
I will call them behind your back..
I don’t care if you get mad or not
I’m not going to have you murdered by the hands
Of a monster…
An asshole, today you will see red flags…You will
Realize enough is enough…and you’re not goin
To take up all the bull shit…you will not forgive him
You will never run back to him..
You’re goin to save your life…and your kids….

All he wants is power over you…

You don’t need him..💯✊🏿💔❣️©️ Kai C. 5-10-24
© Kai C..