

silent chaos
didn’t my scraped knees
On the cobblestone call you back
My blood splashing on your back
Did I make your jacket purple
Your jacket was purple as your blood
My bows and short breath
Did I cut your breath
Running out of answer for your question
Running of of time but never saw the vision
Emphaty on the face of the ghost I thought was illusion
The demons surrounding us
Our breath our colored bloods
The bows and the begging the prayers
The hollow words
Those you didn’t listen too
The silence the open doors
The complete chaos
The shout the tears
Corcodiles would have been impressed
The fake sighs fake gasps
The fake ‘’ oh he didn’t make it”
“yes he didn’t make it”
The demons and their friends danced
The emphaty ghost
Walked with my soul to yours
The silence in all that chaos
My negelected prayers
The demons won and took you from me
I stopped feeling peace every since you left me
Acidic tears on my tiles
Wanting to burn my home
Counting days saying
“will he open the door or will the demons swallow him too”
“ when it will swallow them too”
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