

Fresnel Lens
Who shall guard us lonely ships
Against shores of rough rock

Who shall sit sentry
When the sea changes

It's shoreline

As if from a nightmare
Sheets twisted

In folds ever shifting
Who will keep the lamps lit

And the bells rung
The fog horn blowing

When the catastrophic calamities
And the storms of chaos they bring

Never end
Who can be our guide

When solidity tumbles into boulder; crumbles into sand
And we can no longer rely on it for a solid foundation

As minds are molded by mercury
Floating those giant, heavy glass fractals

No solidity on which to build our steady lighthouses
We must make light ships

And swarm our ever changing coasts
Mobile beacons alerting fellow sailors

Of the dangerous surf
When it meets the ever-eroding turf

Warning us of the wild weather
That brings ever wilder woes

We must invent new lenses
With which to magnify our light

To see and steer by in the dark
And save millions more ships

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