

silent communication
a long time ago
i saw your face
while a cool breeze brushed my face
you leaned back to gaze into a phase
of what I would call silent interaction

we continued our mime art
until it ran flat
I admired you from afar in awe
of a handsome beauty that only
in fiction I am attracted towards

So yes in colloquial language
"I eyed you"
but then you showed me a different side
of you that my innocent eyes,ears and mind
stumbled in shock and made me contemplate
what my attraction was for you

but weirdly enough like honey I'm sticking
to ur hands and not letting go
and like gum I'm stuck to a pants
that you recently owned.

I'm forgotten to you like sand blows into
the wind and im dry like a desert that does not quench ur thirst but only makes it dryer
So like sand I slip through ur hands and pile up to join the grains of my mini friends.
© Minnie18🌼