

Discordia: Dance of Chaos and Harmony
In realms of chaos and unrest,
Where discord thrives, she is the guest.
Goddess of strife, with fiery gaze,
Discordia walks her twisted maze.

Her presence felt in every clash,
In rivalries fierce, where tempers clash.
With mischievous laughter, she stirs the air,
Unleashing chaos, beyond compare.

From ancient times, her name resounds,
Discordia, the chaos profound.
In myths and tales, her essence we find,
A force of disruption, both cruel and kind.

Her eyes like fire, filled with scorn,
A crown of thorns, her head adorn.
With every step, chaos unfurls,
As she dances amidst the discordant swirls.

In every argument, she takes delight,
Injecting poison, stirring up the fight.
She revels in division, seeds of disdain,
Binding hearts in conflict, igniting pain.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a truth lies deep,
Discordia's influence can also reap.
For in the clash, new paths emerge,
From shattered bonds, growth may surge.

Through chaos, unity finds its way,
Discordia's touch, a price to pay.
She challenges the status quo's reign,
Breaking barriers, shaking loose the chain.

So heed her warning, this goddess wild,
Discordia's presence, both fierce and mild.
Embrace the chaos, with wisdom's guide,
For through the tumult, we may truly stride.

For in the depths of discord's song,
A chance for harmony to belong.
Discordia, goddess of both strife and grace,
A reminder that balance we must embrace.

© AlmaDada