

In the Memory of
The weight
Of the loss
Of a parent
Even one who hurt you
Made you want to die
The one that told you
That if you're a f@g
He would kill you
It's all so heavy
The loss
The reason you're afraid
He's gone
But you still look over your shoulder
Lock doors behind you
Cower when men speak
Old scars weep at the loss
Like wine pressed from grapes

Spilling into the ocean the refuse of past days pollutes the prospects of growing smiles before they ripe.
Killed and cut, and cleaned the young fawn remembers only how lovely the taste of grass was before she wasn't.
Wounds licked raw, bringing fresh blood to surface the taste of copper keeps the mind of wounded beast busy.
Another grouping of words to discribe my pain, anything to keep the emotions from surfacing again.

© Artemis' Arrow