

Good bye!!!
I've always thought I have you
But never knew it just a wishful thought.

Though beautiful dreams you thought hath created
But never knew my heart could be left stranded by you.

It all started when your silence was becoming the only response
And your cold shoulder the only hug I could get from you

I still couldn't believed how quickly tables could turn
I couldn't believed how painfully you slipped away from my arms

It's better I we're dreaming or hallucinationg, but no
I've been hits in the face boldly by the reality.

No heart was born strong 💪
At birth, fragile do all hearts come
Realities of life's happenings and occurrences

Is what defines our hearts at the end
So, yeah I accept your departure
But only hope
This also, I shall overcome. Bye!

© Dum Simon Delox