

It was almost at first sight, it hit me all at one time but once I saw it I knew it was for me. Words will never be enough, smiles and kisses will never be enough. What will be enough is the first glance where everything stoped for a moment. You're almost numb to everything around you and you start to understand about this place that is for you, it's where you belong, your safe and your wanted. You never want this place to expire or grow old so you treat it with kindness and love even on the hard days. Your so sure of it's intentions that you go back every time willingly experiencing something different. Your cup is filled and the feeling it brings is unimaginable you might think your loosing it. No man made object in this world will ever give you this feeling and nothing will be as special or meaningful, and so I continue to trust and go back time and time again because I know where this place comes from and how taxing life was when I didn't have it. Even if the whole world shall crumble this place will not, and that is something I will hold on to. I hope you find your place.
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