

Circles hell
I woke up with a song in my heart
it was good a good way to start
I am so dumb but I'm sposed to be smart
brave hearts that save art I just wishing for tomorrow to shine like gold
god's heart can save art and thou saint the way ain't crystal sober
I wish I had better things to say
I try to be a good man
but I feel like a man that's been damned
I was thinking about my life
I was thinking about the letter of the name
there's a meaning to my life
I'm supposed to help the world get someplace
where's the reason for my heart
where's the season of doom
and if I had a good thing to tell you it would be to let the seasons help you
get close to people you love and get close to people of valor
I know a good one when I see one somebody that can really love somebody I hope you dont hate me for how I am I hate myself I hate this man
I try to be a respectable soul
it all got started with Rock and roll