

I judge you not compatriot..
Excuse me I mean not to offend
But before you foretail me end
Let me apologize once again
But not for being me my friend
Doesn't the bible say
Judge not that ye not be Judge
Castigate me ! I hold no grudge
Won't Leave the set PUNK !! Oh fudge!
I'll be more polite..I won't budge..
Subtle hate does me no harm
For you I need not feel alarm
I'm the drip with much lip
But like my lips my fist talk fast
Drip drip drip my fist fly
Dozens of punches Leave u with black eyes
Please know I fight fair unlike gangsters
No guns or bombs just hooks left u in danger (Ask those who knew me in Newport News Virginia
Or those knowing me on bmores outskirts if I was the drip as u say bro!!) My nickname in high school was Jason from Friday 13 movie..Trust me it had nothing to do with false charges like serial killing, terrorism & etcetera.
LEFT, RIGHT, Bob! weave ! u grieve
From losing in a literal fistfight match..
Where this so called drip makes your nose drip from a fairfight..
© Tim2