

A precursor of a condition
In which there are unlimited variable constrictions.
Given to chance.
Numerous outcomes to a changes’ entrance.
Why do we still use it like we are wavering?
The unknown we aren't savoring.
If I were to say ‘I love you’
Would you tell me the truth?
What we crave is love that is unconditional.
So why do we use a clause for ultimatums of the avoidable?
Leaving our options up for chance.
Are we just too weak to make a balanced stance,
Or little to no doubt.
I want you to hear me out.
If the world feels like it is falling out from under my feet,
Would you convince me to keep going or take a seat?
Two choices were given but there may be more options.
Don't overthink it because the options are based on specific opinions.
If you dismantle one's opinions you may hurt someone's feelings.
Unlearn that feelings should be kept discreet.
If you can't tell me how you feel,
Without you needing to conceal,
Then how are we supposed to trust each other?
Now you sound like you are trying to smother.
You are putting out your own flame,
by placing all blame,
Without even thinking of yourself,
Or the relationship itself.
If a couple truly loves each other wouldn't they want the benefit of the doubt?
Wouldn't they want to have a relationship where the other could listen without uttering a shout?
Does fighting help a relationship?
Does it mean it'll be an argumentative partnership?
Or does it deem it in need of being ended?
If I were to die tomorrow,
Would you be full of sorrow?
Would you have begged a pleaded for more time to borrow?
Or would you just wallow?
If a relationship were to be at an end,
Would you still want a right to defend
The ifs
If you could salvage a relationship merely on a future that may be unknown.
Would you end it or reflect on how it has grown?
Just from the ifs.
Is that why we use ‘if’?
Because we have hope of a better outcome?
Even if it isn't based on wisdom.
Let's not jump off the cliff
But should we continue contemplating the ‘ifs’?

© A. Tenney