

nothing is ever for nothing
Time passes and some things stay the same. Some things change over time slowly. It's ok to change, It's okay to feel pain, it's okay to not know right away. It's okay to feel shame or blame. Time is not always what we see on a clock or written for us. Time is not always what we think or how we perceive things. Time is the space between now n then. Time is always shifting like the shadows we see on the walls like when we were kids using our hands as shapes for entertainment. Time is not always promised but we make the best of it. The time may not always be right but the heart is outta site, like gold finger "groovy man". Love is not ever not near or few in between but right here waiting for you to latch on to it like a baby breast feeding without any fear. For it knows it will receive sustainance and nourishment for pending years. It's momentary of course but always in the rear. Now, now hunny don't you fear I'm never far always near. That feeling in my heart will NEVER disappear. It was promised from the start and it never claimed a tear. LIFE took it's toll but it was never forgotten sweet dear the look in your eyes when I appeared. Love will always be near, never far always right here. "Welcome Home" my love