

Whispered Secrets of our mather earth

In the quiet moments, when stillness reigns,
Nature whispers secrets through rustling grains.
The wind softly carries its delicate voice,
Inviting us to listen, have no choice.

The trees murmur secrets on gentle breeze,
Their branches sway, as if to appease.
Leaves speak in hushed tones, stories untold,
Of battles fought, of stories unfold.

Mountains stand tall, guardians of the land,
Majestic sentinels, they whisper and command.
Through their peaks and valleys, they reveal,
A tale of ancient wisdom, a truth to feel.

Rivers whisper as they flow ever so fast,
Secrets in their current, of a distant past.
They carry tales of love, of joy and sorrow,
Whispering melodies into tomorrow.

The fields sing softly, a symphony of grass,
Whispering verses as the seasons pass.
Their whispers carry hope, of life anew,
A reminder of nature's eternal debut.

Creatures in the wild, from smallest to great,
Whisper their stories in their own innate.
Birds in their songs, melodies so clear,
Nature's symphony, a whisper to hear.

Whispering nature, a balm for the soul,
Speaking volumes through silence, making us whole.
In its gentle whispers, we find our peace,
A connection to nature, a sense of release.

So let us embrace the whispers it brings,
And let nature's harmony make our hearts sing.
For in these whispers, we find our own place,
A sanctuary of calm, a beloved space.