

The Art of Soul Touch
The art of soul touch,
A gentle tip of the finger,
A heartwarming embrace,
A nod that says "I see you."

It's a journey towards the depth of the heart,
A connection formed from the start,
Of two who were meant to be,
Locked together in perfect harmony.

With this touch, energy moves,
A spark between two souls,
As secrets are shared and stories told,
Creating a bond that makes us whole.

It's a language we all can speak,
Without ever saying a word,
A rhythm that moves and beats,
From one heart to another heard.

In moments when words can't solve,
And when silence reigns supreme,
A simple soul touch can say it all,
And make the world seem serene.

The art of soul touch is a beautiful thing,
A connection of divine light that brings,
Peace to our souls and love to our hearts,
This is where true harmony starts.
© bitter_sweeett_