

Living with Dystonia
I'm getting worse and worse every day
From constipation, severe spasms, sleeping in the afternoon, or it's been either I sleep the whole night or I'm awake every 2 hours
My body and mind have been messed up
It's been almost 15 years
I can't walk anymore that's the real fact.

I've been diagnosed since I was 14 and now I'm turning 29
From the start, I can't totally accept this
But in the long run, I accepted it already
I'm adapting to this life
That I know that it's not going to be easy
It's going to be hard.

But I ain't giving up
I've made it this far
I'm gonna fight till my last breath
It's been a long journey with this illness
Because I know that it's going to be worth it in the end
Long live, brave soul.

© DandelionSky ✨️