

We never fully appreciate a good day, until we experience a bad one.
We'll never understand what real pain feels like, until we lose someone we truly loved.
I for one have spent countless hours complaining about how difficult my life is, I'd miss out on the beauty life has to offer.
Have you ever felt trapped with no escape, that your mind is tempting you with death?
On my own first time in my life, freedom stares me in the eyes but yet I don't feel like I am free.
Oftentimes I am encouraged to pray, on my knees with closed eyes wondering what to say.
The silence is deafening, fear is crippling and anxiety plague me day in and day out, within myself I've created self doubt.
I've seen aggression being used to justify being bold and plain minded, I chosed a different path and I am viewed as weak an naive.
All I want is someone to hear me out, to tell me it's going to be okay, someone who will stick around long enough help me shoulder my pain, to hand me a tissue or to hold me when I can no longer hold back my tears.

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