

if I was a mother_
If I was a mother... I sometimes wonder if I ever would be one or will be one?
I would be the best mother I can be!
I would want to be the closest thing to the actual world's greatest mom ever!
I would love and care about you and spoil you too.
Be the best at what a mother can do.
Teach the ways of the world from what's right and what's wrong.
Teach you to care and share with others and be kind and honest with your fellow family and friends.
Teach you how to treat others the way you want to be treated as I was taught is the Golden Rule.
I would Love you no matter what through the thick and the thin.
I would make sure you are safe and sound and never sorry and are found.
I would show you the ways of the world through the light and the darkest times during your life, promise me you will never commit suicide;
I would teach you to never be evil and be good for me as you live your own life, and treat everyone else with love and respect.
I would want you to be the happiest little spiritual soul and make my life happier with your own little glow.
I would want you to shine bright because you are my star, and I would want you to follow your dreams wherever you are, and see how much I can support you through the trivials and trials of your own journey of your own life. From you as an infant to you as an old person, I would always watch over you with my graceful love even when I'm in heaven above. I will always be your mother to be. Whenever I have you...you shall see. What true love can be...❤️🥹🥺🥹😘
For I will love you forever ♾️ In Time for when I'm alive and when I die I will always be by yourside my sweet child of mine.