

In a world where dreams seem far away,
Where expectations dictate the games we play,
There was a hope, a whisper in the air,
A voice that dared to challenge what's unfair.

Unrealistic, they called it with a scoff,
But little did they know, that voice was enough.
For it carried a message, a truth untold,
That within our hearts, lies stories untold.

In a society blinded by conformity,
The voice dared to question and set minds free.
It spoke of possibilities, of breaking the mold,
Of finding strength in the stories yet unfold.

Unrealistic, they chanted with disdain,
But that voice, it knew, there was so much to gain.
For in the realm of the impossible,you see,
Lies the power of dreams and true authenticity.

With each passing day, that voice grew strong,
Defying the odds, it showed where it belonged.
It taught us to trust ourselves, to chase the fire,
To reach for the stars despite the naysayers' choir.

Unrealistic, a term that now lost its might,
For that voice shattered boundaries and took flight.
It reminded us that limits are just a state of mind,
And that success often lies beyond what's defined.

So let us embrace the unrealistic dream,
For it's within those bounds, we find our self-esteem.
Let us break the chains of doubt and fear,
And rewrite the story that is ours to pioneer.

For in accepting the challenge of the unseen,
We unlock the magic that's hidden within.
So listen closely to that voice, untamed and free,
And watch as it leads us to where we're meant to be.

Unrealistic, a word now etched in the past,
As we weave the story that will forever last.
Embrace the lessons, let your spirit soar,
And create a reality that's worth fighting for.
© Japheth