

To whom it may not concern
Halal pen ✍️💜

*To Whom It May Not Concern*

In a world where opinions are easy to find,
And everyone has something to say, all the time,
It's refreshing to find a message that's different,
One that's not meant for everyone, but those who truly listen.

This message is not for those who turn a deaf ear
To the cries of injustice,
But for those who hear the silent cries and fight for them.

This message is not for those who snitch on their friend,
Or for those who cut ties during hard times,
But for those who stay true to the end.

This message is for those with heavy hearts,
Yearning for someone to hold onto,
For those who have loved and lost, and are afraid to try again,
Who long for pure love without any pain.

This message is a reminder that there's still hope,
That there are people out there who will love you for who you are,
Not just what you give.
So if you're feeling troubled and your heart is shattered,
Know that you're not alone, and the struggle and pain will surely fade.

For this message is a promise, a ray of light,
A reminder that true love is out there, waiting to find you.

©Halal pen.