

The moment I first laid eyes on you,
I knew my heart was forever changed,
In your presence, I found my peace,
My whole world was rearranged.

Your laughter is my melody,
Your smile, my guiding light,
In your arms, I find my home,
In your embrace, everything feels right.

I confess my love to you, my dear,
My feelings run deep and true,
I am yours completely, body and soul,
My love for you will always renew.

With every heartbeat, I feel you near,
Your presence a comfort and delight,
I am grateful for the love we share,
For in your arms, everything feels right.

I promise to cherish and honor you,
To love you unconditionally,
To be there for you, through thick and thin,
Forever and for all eternity.

So here I am, baring my soul to you,
Confessing my undying love,
You are my everything, my one true love,
I am blessed to have you, my beautiful dove.
Oh, how I wish to find a love so rare,
To hold me close, to show they truly care.
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