

Conversations with wolves
In the stillness of a night, when the moon was full,
Its brilliant glow painted the onyx skies.
A creature of darkness, a shape-shifting fiend,
A man in disguise by the full moon's guise,
Breeding dread in the hearts of men, it mesmerized.

A howl echoed through each tormented soul.
As lunar storms swirled in hunger's embrace
Until it reached the waters' edge, seeking to console,
Curiosity lured it to an intimate place.

The moonlight flickered on a restless tide
As mystery persisted. A siren emerged,
With her hand outstretched, eleusinian foamed from her eyes;
Darkness she fetched, unafraid of the anger and rage he possessed,
She offered to tame his carnaged spirit.

For anger fades when intimacy's seen,
A communion they shared under murmuring skies.
Two souls entwined as the night softly died.
In this dance of shadows, two mysteries intertwine,

Blinded by lunar rage, both saturated in the in-between.
© 𝓢.𝓟𝓸𝓽