

Where is he?
A voice from heaven
asked me where he's living,
in what nation?

Is he in Santorini, Greece
admiring its stunning sunsets
standing beside white-washed buildings
thinking of you?

Banff National Park, Canada
climbing breathtaking mountains
falling in love with crystal-clear lakes
throwing away thoughts of you?

Bora Bora, French Polynesia
swimming in turquoise waters,
overwater bungalows
peacefully living without you?

The Maldives,
white-sand beaches
luxurious resorts
enjoying with another girl?

Cinque Terre, Italy,
five colorful seaside villages
rugged in Italian coastline,
enjoying a romantic dinner there?

Where is he?
the voice asked in frustrated
I laughed and said
he's in my imagination— the only place he can't run away!

© Aboorva