

The Road she chose
In the quiet dawn, she takes a breath,
A heart so full, yet arms that grieve.
The girl with dreams is too large to confine.
Steps out alone, her path to define.

Her father's wisdom, like whispers of gold,
Echoes in her mind, that she holds.
She holds his lessons close to her heart,
A compass guiding her from the start.

With love and courage as her shield,
She ventures into an uncharted field.
No longer bound by the home's warm light,
She walks all alone into the night.

Her eyes alight with a fiery gleam,
She builds her life, she builds her dream.
Through storms and trials, she holds her ground,
In her strength, a new world is found.

Admiring herself, as she grows,
In every challenge, her spirit shows.
Though she misses her father's guiding hand,
She learns to thrive, to understand.

With every brick, with every stone,
She crafts a life that's all her own.
With a loud laughter & dedicated heart
She faces the world, lives on her own.
© Rinki bhardwaj