

Tomorrow is NOW.
The canyons of fire started to scintillate,and spread in each drops of my blood.,its rage similar to the roaring oceans,reminding an unfathomable desire.

Fear is dying,vanishing through the lacunae of my soul,under the bludgeoning of possibilities,where I am the master,and I am the captain.

Never,the lethargy may repeat itself.
never the lackadaisical indolence making its burning retreats.,when my words are sharp,like knives beaten in that fire.

I have started to walk,back from my fiasco,against this vicissitudes,a voyage,hunting victory.A new aura of hope marked its renaissance,overpowering my fate.

The dreams are heavy,tears have no play here.I want to die once,and never thousand times.words are seared to memory,sifting remnants for a song of success,when emotions smoldering in that courtyard.

I am breathing the air of success,the elixir of future,breathing to live the present.Tomorrow is now,for a better tomorrow.