

How fast the time flies?
How fast the time flies?
Just day before yesterday it seemed I went to school,
Just yesterday I went to college,
And today the skin got wrinkles already?
Such a huge difference!
How fast the time flies?
Getting awake as mum woke me up,
Awake from alarm,
Heard loud noises from kids and got up to see if everything's okay.
And now the nurse asks if I'm awake as I was looking here and there.
Such a huge change!
How fast the time flies?
The smile that didn't change,
The memories which remained deep inside,
Hello to the old self,
You shall be proud one day for all the things you've done and achieved,
Atleast you can say that I lived the best,
Regrets never let you tear apart,
And wonder How fast this time flies.........

© RR
#rrwritings #howfastthetimeflies
#smilesandcries #lessons
Bg credits: Andy Frisella