

The tricolour unfurls in all its glory,
has to tell you a story...

Dancing on the free winds,
Of a blue sky,
On the borders,On the mountains,
On the top of the cliff,On the buildings,
mesmerizing up so high.

The tri colours has its own significance
The Saffron colour stands for Strength, Courage and Sacrifices.
The White colour stands for Peace,Purity and Truth.
The Green stands for Prosperity,Life, Fertility and growth.
In the middle stands blue colour
Ashoka Chakra 24 spokes connected to a single wheel signifies virtues and progress.

The grandeur and pride of our Nation
salutes to the sacrifices and emotions.

The bloodshed,the Massacres,the protests,rallies ,movements
and the marches.
Remembrance of the great freedom heroes for their painful scratches.

Those struggling past of our brave freedom fighters
Make us stand up today brighter.

The tricolour unfurls in all its glory,
has to tell you a story...

Even though envious of each other,
This tricolour brings all people of different groups together

As the national anthem is sung all the people stands in attention,
with the same zeal and intention.

Let's us sow the seeds of unity and brotherhood for the Pride,Prosperity and good progress of our nation.
And Enlighten the name of our Tri colour flag and Indian Nation.
© Asnawahab