

Purple (Spectrum)
a colour of life,
“ok sure,”
hiding your inner emotions with a fake smile
a the midnight wolves howl,
day by day, midnight stars,
stars up in the sky,
stars high above my head,
purple, I’m worried,
I’m wet cement on the ground,
sitting on the wooden table drinking that grape juice,
so many stars up in the midnight sky,
hiding it all with a fake smile,
“ok sure”
purple, a pure colour of truth,
the truth of the feeling inside,
show me the truth,
and I still be sitting on the table drinking my grape juice,
midnight stars and wolfs howl,
the werewolves come out to haunt you,
if they haunt,
you show the truth,
crying yourself to sleep,
mankind is not the perfect,
mankind makes mistakes,
mankind made Titanic,
what such tradgedy like Sharpie on your skin,
don’t cry, straighten up that frown,
your a soldier,
fight off those wolves at midnight,
look up,
see the many purple stars high above,
and your still sitting down drinking that grape juice,
“ok sure”
no, tell us the truth,
the werewolf is winning,
suck it up, suck up the grape juice,
fight off the werewolf and see the stars high above,
win it over,
use it again them,
Tell me the truth.

© Sunset_is_always_there