

they had no idea
I seemed fine
they said
they even asked
if I'm alright
I'd give the same line
every eluding little time
I can see why
they wouldn't think twice
about believing my lies

I don't blame them
I'm no open book
how were they supposed to read
between the lines
no, I didn't seem the type
of structure
that would come toppling
'cause broken doesn't make jokes
broken doesn't go window shopping
or chat over coffee
broken doesn't have the energy
to have good energy
broken can't find it in themselves
to get out of bed
nevermind decorate the room
or paint nails red
broken doesn't care anymore
about makeup or clothes
if broken was really broken
then it would show
but, no

broken still wants to smile
why should broken stop
everything else
to point at the cracks
in itself
if broken acts broken
that's when
it truly breaks
oh, how do I tell them
broken is the form
I'll always take

the thing is,
broken doesn't need improving
no, broken would rather
gather its pieces
and keep moving
if broken can't mend itself
broken will carry around
the parts
carry around
the hurt
until it meets someone who can
until it meets someone who will
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