

Ill Minds
Lets take a step inside,
A sociopaths' mind.
To see what we can see,
Could there be some good in me

Is it really a delight,
The feelings that I feel,
Never seem to be quite right.
I commit emotional sodomy,
Wearing fake ones on my sleeve.
Pretending what your heart will need
Is my deranged facadical empathy.

Manipulation at its finest,
Cuz I'm a genius when it comes to body language.
A push and pull system of symetricy,
The way the human heart does beat,
The best part is, I truly stand all of me.

Introspective dissection,
What feelings do I really want‽
I'm a borderline psychedelic,
With charismatic hypno swag,
Making me a narcissistic ass magnet,
By isolating brain waves -
Making her spread her legs.

I've distorted minds, bowed emotions
To watch them break.
Rebuilt their mind just for a day -
Use their brains like a programming resumé

I've eaten like a king,.
With all these brainwashed soldiers At my feet ,
Laying their choosing to give their life for me.

I'm a cosmetic surgeon performing spiritual phlabatomies,
Let's do some plastic surgery on your tangled heart strings.

© Words Of Anthrax