

Love embrace
In love's embrace, we find our light,
A bond so pure, a wondrous sight.
Two hearts entwined, like stars above,
In this beautiful symphony of love.

With every glance, a story's told,
In whispered words, secrets unfold.
In your eyes, I see the truth,
A timeless love, eternal youth.

Like petals soft, our love does bloom,
In fragrant gardens, we find our room.
With every touch, we're intertwined,
A love so sweet, so pure, so kind.

In the tapestry of life, we weave,
A love so strong, we can't deceive.
In this beautiful love's sweet song,
Our hearts together, forever belong.

So let us cherish what we've found,
This love so profound, it knows no bound.
In this beautiful love poetry we share,
Two souls as one, a love so rare.
© Singavarapu Surekha