

Choosing the Path of God.💞
Ignored by everyone was my life.
Perplexities engulfed my brain.
Shame and guilt swallowed my heart.
Expecting that others would understand me,
Became the most heinous crime
That I could ever commit.
Crying became a habit for me.
Unable to trust and depend
I made myself a joke to everyone.
Making myself a prey to suffocation
I pushed days and night.

Suddenly one day,
Planting myself in solitude,
I started tearing those membranes
That hid my brain and heart
Making me a clown.
The moment I tore them
A high beam of Light entered my life
Like never before.
I acknowledged that was the path
That I'm meant to choose for this Life,
The path of God to the Divine Me
And not the path of unconscious bodies called people.

Now moving on became my habit.
For I could only see God
Within me and everywhere.
By choosing this path,
Victory and Tranquility became my lifestyle.

© 🐳Praveena🌌✨️