

An Intimate Touch Of Love
Walking arm in arm,
Holding hands when walk,
Resting head on shoulder,
Sitting close for a movie horror,
Brushing of hands in the crowd,
Sharing the same straw,
Kissing the forehead,
Sharing the same blanket,
Secret smile exchange,
Placing a hand on the back,
Hugging from behind,
Legs intertwined,
Staring without blinking,
A blindsided tickling,
A hug to release stress,
Head resting on the chest
Drinking from the same cup,
Eating with the same spoon,
A pillow fight,
Clasping the hands tight,
A feeble attempt to be released,
No gap between the two bodies...

A beautiful expression of love,
An exciting intimate touch...

© Polkola
#love #express #touch #intimacy #kiss #beauty