

will you stay with me today ?
I am alone today with the one I don't feel safe with,
An uneasy shadow, a dark, brooding myth.
Will you watch over me as the night closes in,
Guarding my spirit where my courage wears thin?

Maybe I will be shattered, left in ruins profound,
Fragments of my heart scattered all around.
Will you gather my pieces, with hands gentle and kind,
Mending my soul, easing my troubled mind?

I am scared, scared to death, with a fear so deep,
In this restless state, where my anxieties creep.
Will you make me safe, calm the storm inside,
Be the refuge I seek, where I can safely hide?

If I call out to you in my moment of despair,
Will you pick up the phone, show me that you care?
In the midst of my sorrow, my voice barely a sigh,
Will you listen, be present, wipe the tears I cry?

If I tell you my secrets, the burdens I bear,
Will you hold them gently, with a love that is rare?
Will you listen to my words, each confession I make,
And in your understanding, my fears start to break?

I am alone today with the one who brings dread,
In this silent battle, where tears have been shed.
Will you be my guardian, my shelter, my friend,
Stay by my side until the darkness ends?

Your presence is a beacon, a light in the night,
Will you be my protector, my shield, my knight?
In my moments of weakness, when I feel so small,
Will you catch me, support me, never let me fall?

I am reaching out, hoping, with a heart that's so bare,
Will you answer my call, show me that you care?
In this fragile state, as I stand on the edge,
Will you be the promise, the fulfilling pledge?

Hold me close, in the safety of your embrace,
Will you give me strength, guide me with grace?
With you by my side, the fear can take flight,
Will you be my comfort in the dead of night?

If I share my dreams, my hopes, my despair,
Will you cherish them all, handle with care?
Will you listen intently, not just hear,
Be the soul who stays, when others disappear?

In this moment of doubt, where my courage fades,
Will you be my constant, where trust pervades?
I am alone today, but with your love in sight,
Will you stay with me, until the morning light?
© _areesha