

We're Not Here to Take Part, We're Here to Take Over
In the realm of life's challenges, we stride,

With grit and perseverance, side by side.

We wrestle alligators, daunting and fierce,

Tussle with whales, our doubts to pierce.

Through thunderstorms and lightning's might,

We tame the tempest, embracing the fight.

Handcuffing doubt and fear without bail,

Throwing them in jails of our fierce will.

For we are the warriors, both fierce and bold,

With hearts unyielding, made of untamed gold.

We murder rocks, shatter obstacles with might,

Injure stones, for they can't withstand our light.

Our spirits, unbreakable, make medicine sick,

With determination and purpose, our spirits flick.

We cut through darkness, illuminating our path,

Claiming victory in life's aftermath.