

77 ...
it's ok. even up to seventy seven times.
it's ok. what can I say except it's ok.
when we already know the next bend
that whatever we do we were given a chance
a day to live and a night to reflect
an afternoon for nap
and a midnight to write
a cup to offer
whether with caffeine , milk , or just water

have we ever wonder why clocks are round?
why earth is spheroid , why orbit is circle?
in a loop , in repeat , life is like this
we don't want to console everyone by saying
"just accept it"
its ok because there is good news
it's just around the corner
77 is a large number
count the blessings
not the offenses
when hurt , yes we built defenses
but we suffocate life and our chance
to truly live.
and we dont like this futile life
to remain as it is : futile.
we want something we can't count
by our fingers. we all want and need continuous forgiveness.

© Versifiable