

Echoes of Emotion: A Tapestry Unraveled
In shadows deep, emotions stir,
A whispered pain, words unsure.
Feelings fragile, delicate glass,
I pause to mend, let moments pass.

Your heart, a canvas painted hues,
A palette mixed, emotions bruise.
Yet here I stand, with open ears,
To soothe the ache, dissolve the tears.

Each word exchanged, a tender thread,
In this tapestry, emotions spread.
I tread with care, on feelings' ground,
Seeking solace, a common ground.

Let not the echoes linger long,
For healing whispers, a gentle song.
I strive to mend what's torn apart,
To mend the hurt, a fragile art.

So speak your truth, I'm here to hear,
In every sigh, and every tear.
Together we navigate this sea,
A voyage through emotions' plea.
© Potatocalomil