

Dance of fate
The soles dancing
to the tune of death ,
waiting for his arrival,
begging him to take them away
— it was just an escape ,
from the life .

But ,it was an insult to death ;
he was not merely a way
to escape from the futile
world , and they don't
realize it was given to
those voices as a gift .

"Was it funny ,that
they wanted to let go of
just because they couldn't break their

You know a shackle can
never be broken with bare hands ,
but it's not
that they don't know that ,
but they would rather not try
than break it .

So they could have an excuse
for all their sufferings on the shackles ,
but after their wish come true ,
could they face the wrath
that is coming .

or would they rather live
following the flow of the
tapestry weaven by the fates .

© iz~k

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