

Snow Globe

It snowed during spring last night,
Covering the asleep with its blanket of white.
The world outside my window looked like a dream,
A glass orb reflecting a moonlit gleam.
I thought I saw shadows of a giant hand,
Shaking the beliefs I used to understand.
It felt like what I believed to be home
Was just a decorative figure inside a dome.
My entire cosmos seemed like a crystal ball,
Ready to crumble and break with a fall.
Lost in the confines of this fragile sphere,
I wondered if the reality borders were clear.
Was I a mere trinket on a high shelf,
Or a being with dreams beyond myself?
In a world within a world, a miniature display,
With many conjectures to deviate the way.
In the swirling snow globe of unknown making,
I gazed upon the night through imaginary flaking.
Today when I woke up, it all felt like a distant dream,
But the snow was out there with its moonlit gleam.

© DawnS.M

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