

the power of your love

Everyone can feel your vibrant energy,
Like a breath of fresh air on a stagnant day.

Your laughter, like music, fills the space,
And everyone can't help but join in, in harmony.
Your presence, a ray of sunshine on a cloudy day,
Bringing warmth and light wherever you go.

But beneath the laughter and the smiles,
Are the moments when you're alone,
When the weight of the world rests on your shoulders,
And the nights become endless battles.

In those moments, remember that you are loved,
By so many who see the beauty within you,
And hold you in their hearts, forever grateful,
For the light and joy you bring into their lives.

So embrace your scars and your thorns,
For they are a part of what makes you unique,
A reminder of the strength and resilience within,
That has carried you through every storm.

And when the sun rises and the pain subsides,
Know that you are not alone,
That there are hands reaching out to hold yours,
And hearts ready to carry you through.

You are not a stranger, but a beacon of hope,
A reminder to us all to hold onto love,
To cherish the moments of joy and happiness,
And to always keep our hearts open to the world.

So walk into the room, head held high,
And let your light shine, for all to see,
For you are a better version of yourself,
A testament to the strength of your spirit,
And the power of love.


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