

Being underwater
Beneath the surface, a world unfolds,
Where earthly limits no longer hold.
In the depths where dreams can reside,
A realm of wonder, where secrets hide.

Being underwater, a surreal escape,
Where time slows down, and worries dissipate.
Weightless, floating in an aquatic embrace,
Serenaded by the rhythm of water's grace.

Sunlight pierces the surface above,
Casting ethereal rays, like a gift from above.
A dance of light, in shimmering descent,
Transforming the water into a luminescent event.

With each stroke, the currents caress,
As if nature's gentle hand, to bless.
The ebb and flow of this liquid domain,
A soothing symphony, a watery refrain.

Creatures of the deep, in vibrant array,
In hues unknown, they navigate and sway.
From graceful fish to coral's vivid attire,
A tapestry of life, beneath the waves' desire.

The silence beneath is a sanctuary profound,
Where thoughts and worries become unbound.
In the stillness, whispers of a hidden realm,
A reminder of nature's intricate helm.

The depths hold secrets, untold tales,
Mysteries and treasures, their allure never fails.
Explorers of the deep, with wonder in their eyes,
Uncover the beauty that beneath the surface lies.

Being underwater, a momentary flight,
A chance to glimpse a world bathed in light.
In this liquid haven, we're one with the sea,
And find a sense of belonging, calm and free.

So dive into the depths, let go and explore,
Embrace the mysteries that lie at the core.
For being underwater, a mystical quest,
Allows our spirits to find peace and rest.
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