

Echoes of the Connectome
In a calico world of swirling hues,
Where the connectome weaves intricate clues,
A recidivous mind, prone to explore,
Unraveling mysteries at its core.

Through synaptic networks, it performs,
Navigating realms amid thunderstorms,
Seeking patterns in solecisms lost,
In the labyrinth of ideas embossed.

Threads of thought, a tapestry so fine,
Each neuron a star in this grand design,
Amidst the jumble of mistakes and dreams,
Where the mind's landscape endlessly teems.

In this cosmic dance of chance and fate,
Where errors and wisdom amalgamate,
A symphony of neurons firing free,
Mapping the depths of what it means to be.

Oh, calico mind, with your tangled art,
Embrace the flaws, for they are a part
Of the masterpiece, the human gleam,
In the grandeur of this cerebral stre #instagrammer