

Prime Numbers
Some Numbers, even very large ones,
Have no factors- except themselves and
Of course One.
These are the Prime Numbers.
Original, Gnarled, Unpredictable,
The Freaks of the Number World.

They are Prime Numbers, because
They start and even end with Themselves.
They will continue to remain Prime,
Even if no one had proven them Prime.

Prime Numbers are the ones left, when
All the Patterns are taken away.
They are like Life, very Logical,
But You could never work out the rules;
Even if You spend all Your Time
Thinking about them.

They are Rigidly determined;
But always found it's place
As an Experimental Data.
Mathematicians across ages
Have tried to discover some order
In the Sequence of Prime Numbers
But all in Vain.

And we are left with reasons to believe
That It is a mystery into which
A human mind will never penetrate.
It will be a Mathematical Breakthrough
To develop an easy way
To factor large Prime Numbers.


© Monisha Pathak